Recent Work: Huuuuge Tallboy
Sunday already! Jeepers creepers lol, cant keep up with what day it is atm, we have been working stupid hours pretty much everyday trying to do the finishing touches on the shop and still get furniture done as well so we can afford to complete the tasks (Sorry I babble on so much) 

So..on to the furniture which is really what this is meant to be about lol, one huuuuge tallboy! Had to get on my tippy toes to get a photo of the top! Sooooo much storage! It has nail holes all over it which gives it a cool rustic look so I painted it in a colour called baja grey and put a little black wax in the grooves to give it more of a country style vibe. Its in amazing condition and all the drawers glide really nice. Dimensions 1050 long 435 wide 1300 high
ps..again the black blotches are not on the tallboy, its my bloody phone